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  • Slower streets encourage people to walk, cycle, use other modes of transportation and public transit

    Meeting Date:

    Dominato speaks about the importance of slower streets

    I certainly have found as a councilor over the last term and continuing in this term that of the many issues I hear from the public on, it's often around road safety, pedestrian safety, cyclist safety. We have a busy city, lots of things happening in terms of people moving in their private vehicles, but goods movement. We've got a busy port and we also have a lot of congestion and we have a growing city.

    And so with that, we now have to manage all those different dynamics of population growth, greater density, but also how we move people and also protect people, especially as we're trying to encourage people to walk, cycle, use other modes, transportation and public transit. But for me, this is an incredibly important issue that we take a look at measures to reduce speeds.

  • Active transportation route on Cornwall Ave is critical to protect people

    Meeting Date:

    Motion to protect people on Cornwall Avenue

    I also think the addition of looking at active transportation along this route is critical. A number of our colleagues have commuted this route by bike so I think that's another important measure.

  • Council has a universal view on the importance of pedestrian and cyclist safety in our City

    Meeting Date:

    Motion to protect people on Cornwall Avenue

    I'll start by expressing my thanks and gratitude as we work as a collective Council to address some of these incredible safety issues and appreciative of Councillor Fry and Councillor Boyle for bringing this motion forward, because despite some of the comments of my colleague right now, in fact there has been a universal view of this council both last term and this one about the importance of addressing pedestrian safety, cyclist safety, in our city and in fact we collaborated at length last term to support slow streets pilot, to support reduced speeds on Commercial, to look at and reduce in fact speeds on Prior Street. And so I recognize that this is a deeply personal and emotional issue for all of us.